How To Get The Most Out Of Your Digital Photos?

You have downloaded the digital photos from your photoshoot, now what? There is so many ways you can use these photos so you can get the most out of your experience. Here are a couple ways you can use your portrait photos: 

Get The Photos As A Print or Canvas

Having a print or canvas that you can display in your home is a great way to use your photos. I know for me personally my favorite wall decorations are the photos of me and my family. You can put these prints on counters, on a bookshelf, anyway you see fit. 

Use The Photos As Your Profile Pictures 

Another great use of your portrait photos is as a quick update to your profile pictures. You took the time to plan your outfit and get these professional photos taken the world deserves to see it. So go ahead and update all your social media with these professional looking photos. Another benefit of this is if you update your profile photos with all the same image people will easily know which account is yours due to the consistency from one platform to the other. 

Related: Client Guide To Headshot Photography

Use The Photos On Your Marketing Item

Similar to using the photos as your profile photos using these professional looking photos on your business cards, flyers, banners, and more tells the receiver that you mean business. Whenever I see a business card or marketing material where someone has a great headshot or photo, that makes me want to do business with them because I know they took the time to make sure they looked good. This lets me know that they care about their reputation and will provide me with great service. 

Use The Photos On Your Website 

If you have a website where you sell services or products you could use these updated professional photos there. Whether you places these photos on your homepage or your about page having a professional photo that shows your audience who you are and aligns with your brand is a great way to use your photos.

Use The Photos In Your Signature

For those of you that send out emails for work, personal, or other you might find it beneficial to include your photo in your signature. Study’s have shown that “seeing” who you are talking to increase your likability. 


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